Visitor Map Advertising
2024–2025 Visitor Map
The “what to do” guide for Visitors! Your business is listed in Visitor Map directory and numbered location on map displays in multiple locations in Sausalito including the Visitor Kiosk and Visitor Center.
Maps available for visitors coming off the ferry and bike parking areas.
Multiple platform exposure — Map is distributed to over 50 Bay Area concierges, local business, visitor centers, cruise ships, tour buses, on ferry brochure rack, Chamber website and Visit Sausalito website exposure, Sausalito Chamber and Visit Sausalito Instagram and Facebook pages, bike companies and more. Available online 24/7.
Affordable advertising that adds value to the visitor experience.
Ads to be placed on the Visitor Center Digital Display
Proven ROI. Over 25,000 hits per month.
FREE Website Advertising
☑ 1/3 page ad Advertisers will receive one of the following: FREE Banner AD on Sausalito.org website for 6 months on one of the following pages of choice (see reverse) or
☑ Enhance Your Business Listing for 1 year (see details).
☑ Business Listing Advertisers are eligible for an Enhanced Listing for 1 year at an additional fee (see reverse).Reach more visitors by investing in advertising opportunities on Sausalito.org or VisitSausalito.org — Ask for details!
The Map is also available in over 50 Bay Area concierges, local business, visitor centers, cruise ships, tour buses, on ferry brochure rack, Chamber website and Visit Sausalito website exposure, Sausalito Chamber and Visit Sausalito Instagram and Facebook pages, bike companies and more. Available online 24/7.
Sausalito Historical Society
Sausalito. A Great Place to Live. Work. Play.