Events Calendar
Bay Area Figurative
Third Generation: The Bay Area Figurative Movement Today. Painting styles from classical to pop and techniques from digital to hand-ground pigment
Categories: Arts & CultureCommunityChamber Of CommerceClubs/Organizations
Nate Kanae – Live at The Trident
Experience the enchanting sounds of Hawaii with Nate Janae at our live Hawaiian music event on January 21. An unforgettable evening filled with soulful melodies and the rhythmic beats of the islands. Nate Janae, an acclaimed Hawaiian musician, will transport you to the tropical paradise
Categories: Festivals & CelebrationsArts & CultureCommunityChamber Of Commerce
SWC CPR & AED Training with SMFD
learn vitally important and potentially life-saving CPR and AED by members of the Southern Marin Fire District
Categories: CommunityGovernmentChamber Of CommerceClubs/Organizations
The Joy of Hiking
Sausalito Books by the Bay Book Discussion: THE JOY OF HIKING with Charles Hood California's Best Nature Walks
Categories: Arts & CultureCommunityChamber Of CommerceClubs/Organizations
Sausalito. A Great Place to Live. Work. Play.