Concert of Medieval Sacred Music by Vajra Voices
Christ Church, Sausalito presents the “soul-stirring” women’s vocal ensemble, Vajra Voices. Our Monday, April 7 (7PM) program offers a setting for contemplation from devotional Gregorian Chant, antiphons of Hildegard von Bingen, and from the 14th century manuscript, Las Huelgas de Burgos. The evening performance will be just over an hour and will be followed by a reception in the Parish Hall. Suggested donation: $35/$40 Square and cash payments at the door.
Concert of Medieval Sacred Music by V...Date and Time
Monday Apr 7, 2025
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM PDTApril 7th at 7 pm
Campbell Hall at Christ Church 70 Santa Rosa Ave. Sausalito
Suggested donation $35/$40 Square and cash payments at the door.
Contact Information
For more information about Vajra Voices, visit www.vajravoices.com
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